Chitrak haritaki is a very famous Ayurvedic medicine used in treating chronic respiratory conditions. It is in herbal jam form. It is also known as Chitrak haritaki Avaleha, Chitraka Haritaki etc.
Avaleha suggests that it is a herbal jam. Chitraka and haritaki are two herbs, which are the main ingredients of this product.
Here are some important points to learn how to use Chitrak Haritaki in main diseases.
Chitrak Haritaki works when mucus discharge becomes thick, but the color of mucus content is still white. If color of mucus discharge becomes yellow or greenish, then formulations of Vasa (Adhatoda Vasica), e.g. Vasavaleha and Vasa leaves juice are more beneficial and safe.
Chitrak Haritaki is beneficial when a large amount of mucus is produced in the lungs, but when it is clear, white and thick. However, if phlegm is yellow-greenish, then it indicates infection and bacterial growth in the chest, so in such cases, Sitopaladi churna, Gandhak Rasayan, Shringa Bhasma and Vasavaleha or Vasa leaves juice are more helpful.
The same principle applies in chronic bronchitis that we have discussed in productive cough. In bronchitis, it is also helpful to reduce inflammation in addition to give relief from productive cough. Again, it should not be used if there is any sign of infection like yellow-greenish phlegm. It will only help when patient needs to stop the mucus production and mucus content is white and thick.
Chitrak Haritaki is useful when drainage of thick and white discharge. It reduces discharge from the nose as well as down the back of the throat. Furthermore, it is also helpful for improving breathing and reducing nasal obstruction. It also improves sense of the smell and taste.