The human nervous system is a vast network that controls almost every aspect of our being. Our ability to move, breathe, digest food, sense, feel, all come from complex functions of the nervous system. Unfortunately, our go-go-go culture leaves our society with a plethora of nervous system diseases: from chronic insomnia to neuropathy, to autoimmune dysfunctions of the nervous system. This constantly on-the-go culture leaves people stuck in their sympathetic nervous system, otherwise known as the flight or fight mode, which leads to further discomfort and disease. Since the nervous system is responsible for controlling the larger part of our vital functions (breathing, heartbeats, hunger, thirst, posture, etc.) as well as for our emotions (happiness, sadness, etc.), it is imporant to strengthen it naturally to ensure a good quality of life. Asabi Plus is a good reinforcer of the central nervous system, and therefore it can help improve cases of depression, lethargy, anxiety, stress, apathy, sexual debility, general debility and lack of appetite. Increases the rigidity of the male sexual organ.
General debility, lethargy, weakness of nerves, depression, anxiety, stress, apathy, lack of appetite, sexual debility and lassitude of male sex organ.
Nux-vomica Detoxified (Kuchla Mudabbir) 7.35 mgCypraea moneta Calx. (Kushta Sadaf) 7.35 mgPastinaca secacul (Shaqaqul Misri) 29.4 mgAllium cepa (Piaz Beej) 29.4 mgAllium ascalonicum (Gandana) 29.4 mgZingiber officinale (Sonth) 29.4 mgBrucea sativa (Jirjir) 29.4 mgPhoenix dactylifera (Chuarrah) 29.4 mgOrchis latifolia (Salab Punja) 58.4 mgPreservative 0.5 mg
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मानव तंत्रिका तंत्र एक विशाल नेटवर्क है जो हमारे अस्तित्व के लगभग हर पहलू को नियंत्रित करता है। हमारे चलने, सांस लेने, भोजन को पचाने की क्षमता, भावना, महसू%