Cowhedge are bell and it is found more in the hot spots of India. This is a type of wild drug.The conch bell is born in the month of June-July and flows in September-November. Its bell spreads on bushes and trees. Its leaves are in 6 to 9 inches long and 3 cards. Its flowers are one to one and a half-inch long , blue or purple. Its pod is 2 to 4 inches long and about half an inch wide. Pomegranate looks in clusters, which are golden and fine roe. It is faster than itchingon the skin for its pods that burns with itchIs born. Its beans contain seeds and its peel is hard.Its seeds are used only as medicine.
1. Infertility : By mixing equal quantity of pulse of root of corn and root of the root of the ground, taking 1-1 teaspoonful quantity of amounts of 3 times a day for three weeks, infertility is removed.
2. Vata Disease : By making Kheeva of Kancha seeds, it helps remove Vata Disease.
3. Breathing or asthma diseases: 1 and 1 teaspoon of honey and ginger juice and spoon before the fall of the conch seeds.Grind all these together and make the powder and eat it in the morning and evening. It provides relief in asthma.
4. Strengthening the Body :