
New Shama Anis Niswan

100 ml

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About New Shama Anis Niswan

New Shama Anis Niswan is useful in menstrual pain, leucorrhoea and weakness of uterus. Protects females from different diseases of uterus. A medicine for ladies to provide relief in their day to day problems. Keeps the face radiant by providing energy and vital micro-nutrients.

Indications of New Shama Anis Niswan

  • Menstrual pain (Dysmenorrheal)
  • Leucorrhoea
  • Weakness of Uterus

Ingredients of New Shama Anis Niswan

  • Abhal Juniperus commumisFrtSds
  • AbhalJuniperus commumisFrt
  • Asaroon Asarun enropoeumRt
  • Asgand nagauri Withania somniferaRt
  • Badyan Foeniculum vulgareSds
  • Barg-e-suddab Ruta graveolensLeaves
  • Asraul Rauwolfia serpentineRt
  • Doda kapas Gossypium herbaceumFlr.pod
  • Hulba Trgonella foefum graecumSds
  • Khar khasak TribulusterrestrisSds
  • Majeeth Rubia cordifollaRt
  • Post kharbooza cucumis meloRind
  • Post ashoka Brk
  • Rewand chini Rheum officianaleBrk
  • Satar farsi Zataria multifloraLeaves
  • Shora qalmi Potassium nitrateLeaves
  • Tukhm-e-shibbat Anethum sowaSds
  • Tukhm-e-karafs Apium graveolensSds
  • Tukhm-e-kasni Cichorium intibus
  • Tukhm-e-qurtum Carthamus tinctoriusSds
  • Qand Safaid SugerSds
  • Aab-e-Khalis Purified Water

Precautions of New Shama Anis Niswan

  • Keep away from children's reach.
  • Self medication is not recommended. 
  • Store in dry and cool place.
  • Close medicine cap tightly after every use.
  • Keep medicine in original package and container.