
New Shama Arq Maullaham Do Atisha

500 ml

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About Arq Maullaham Do Atisha

Maullaham Do Atisha is a unique tonic of the Unani system for the heart, brain, and nerves. It improves liver and intestinal functions, provides vitality in old age. Recommended for use in winter by both males and females. It soothes shattered nerves, improves digestion and increases formation of pure and healthy blood. It also improves assimilation of waste, restores health, builds a strong body, maximises dietary nutrition, raises body resistance and hastens convalescence 

Indications of Arq Maullaham Do Atisha

  • It improves the function of Brain, Stomach, Liver and other vital organ.
  • Improves appetite.
  • Assimilate diet.
  • Increase stamina
  • Thyroid

Ingredients of Arq Maullaham Do Atisha

  • Abresham Muqarraz Bombax morishel 
  • Badiyan Foeniculam vulgareSd 
  • Behman Safed Centaurea behenRt 
  • Bekh Aakh Calotropis giganteanRt 
  • Darchini Cinnamomum zeylanicumBk 
  • Darunaj Aqrabi Doronicum hookeriRt 
  • Elaichi Khurd Elettaria cardamomumSd.30 mg 
  • Elaichi Kalan Ammomum subulatumSd 
  • Gaozaban Borago officinalisleaves 
  • Gule Gaozaban Borago officinalisflower3 
  • Gule Surkh Rosa damascenaFl. 
  • Kishniz Khushk Coriandrum sativumSds. 
  • Mastagi Pistacia lentiscus GumResin 
  • Post Turanj Orangepeel 
  • Qaranfal Eugenia caryophyllataFl. Buds 
  • Sandal Safed Santalum albumHt. Wood 
  • Sambulutteeb Nardostachys jatamansiRt 
  • Sazaj Hindi Cinnamomum tamalaleaves 
  • Saad Kufi Cyperus rotunduscorm
  • Shaqaqul Misri Pastinaca secaculRh
  • Salab Misr iOrchis latifoliaRh. 
  • Tukhme Faranj Mushk Ocimum basilicum Sds. 
  • UshnaUsnea  lengissimaW.plant 
  • Ood Kham Aquilaria agallochaHt. Wood 
  • ZarambadZingiber zerumbetRh 
  • Zafran Crocus sativusleves 
  • Amber Ambra graseaanimal 

Precautions of Arq Maullaham Do Atisha

  • keep away from children's reach.
  • Self medication is not recommended. 
  • Store in dry and cool place.
  • Close medicine cap tightly after every use.
  • Keep medicine in original package and container.