
New Shama Labub Kabir

60 gm

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About New Shama Labub Kabir 

New Shama Labub Kabir is an effective Unani herbal medicine used for the improvement of health problems in men. It improves the general health. It improves physical strength and commonly used for increasing men’s stamina and performance.

Indications of New Shama Laboob Kabir

  • Male impotency Laboob Kabir can be used to treat male impotency caused by a low sperm count or reduced testosterone levels. It increases the production of male hormones and thus, helps to increase the sperm count and sperm motility. It also improves the sperm quality and increases the chances of successful fertilisation of sperm and ovum resulting in pregnancy in the female partner.
  • Men’s disorders Laboob Kabir can be used in the treatment of difficulties in men like erectile dysfunction, and premature ejaculation. It strengthens the vital organs and nerves in the body and increases the overall health, fitness, and vigour of men thus allowing them to overcome the difficulties naturally without the need of using any chemicals. It is specially used to improve the hardness of male organ. It works by increasing the surge of blood into the male organ, which results in an erection. It also strengthens the muscles of the male organ thus preventing premature ejaculation. It checks spermatorrhea and reduces general and physical debility. It can also be used to treat seminal emission.
  • Seminal and General Debility  Labub Kabir is a well known Unani remedy for weakness due to masturbation or over sexual activity as it help body to increase the production of semen up to required level

Ingredients of New Shama Labub Kabir

  • Aurum/ Warq Tila
  • Ambra grasea/ Ambar Asha
  • Argentum/ Warq Nuqra
  • Myristica fragrans/ Nutmeg or Jauzbua
  • Parmelia perlata/ Ushna
  • Myristica fragrans/ Mace or Bisbasa
  • Piper longum/ Filfil Daraz
  • Cyperus rotundus/ Sad Kufi
  • Nardostachys jatamansi/ Sumbulutteeb
  • Myrtus caryophyllus/ Qaranfal
  • Doronicum hookeri/ Darunaj Aqrabi
  • Wrightia tinctoria/ Indarjao Shirin
  • Cardiospermum halicacabum/ Habbul Qilqil
  • Zingiber zerumbet/ Zarambad
  • Daucus carota/ Tukhme Gazar

Precautions of New Shama Labub Kabir

  • New Shama Laboob Kabir contains only natural and pure herbal ingredients. 
  • It does not cause any serious side effects. 
  • It is completely safe to use. 
  • It may cause a few symptoms like nausea, gastric irritation, and pain in the abdomen. 
  • However, these side effects are mild and resolve spontaneously once the use of the medicine is stopped.