
SBL Agnus Castus 30 CH

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SBL Agnus castus(Dilution)

Agnus castus is prepared with the dehydrated ripened berries as well as leaves and tender stem

Common Name: Chaste tree, Monks Pepper 

Causes & Symptoms for SBL Agnus Castus 

  • Agnus castus is useful in people who have poor energy levels, suffer from depression, possess weak sexual vivacity and suffer from a low libido.
  • It is also useful in abnormalities of menstrual cycles as well as in inducing production of breast milk.
  • A prominent remedcy for strains and sprains


  • Agnus is well indicated in absent minded people who get exhausted after a lot of thinking and are unable to remember, they lose the connection of thoughts and are left confused and blank.
  • It is indicated in people with lack of courage, alwasy forgetful and has to read twice to remember.
  • Fear as if something will happen and he/she might die is prominent and treated well with this remedy.

Eye and Ear:

  • Itching of eyes and ears which aggravates and better by scratching.
  • Hearing difficulties are recovered with help of Agnus Castus.

Female complaints:

  • Agnus castus is  useful in pre menstrual syndrome, where the female undergoes state of Depression, anger, mood swings, and irritability. It has been used to successfully jump start the regular menstrual cycle.
  • It is also useful for treating menstrual disorders, such as very insufficient or profuse menstrual flow, headaches, breast tenderness, bloating and fatigue.
  • Women who have been suffering from lack of or much less breast milk following childbirth and those related to depression during postpartum also benefit from agnus castus.
  • Women who experience absence of libido or desire for sexual activities, particularly when they attain menopause are benefited by agnus castus.

Male complaints:

  • Agnus castus is indicated to people suffering from exhaustion, nervousness, depressions, and who often experience symptoms like premature ejaculation, especially men who had a very high sex drive earlier.
  • No erections with yellow discharge and coldness of the parts is treated with this medicine.
  • Useful in affected testicles that are hard, painful and swollen.

Stool and Anus:

  • It is useful in stool complaints of difficult passage which requires straining.
  • Flatulence which cause rumbling in the abdomen.


  • Inflammatory, swelling of Joints with weakness and pains in the extremities, finger joints affected.
  • Perspiration only on hands, when walking in the open air.

Side effects of SBL Agnus Castus

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It should be taken with good precautions, by females who are pregnant.

Precautions while taking SBL Agnus Castus:

It is anti doted by camphor.

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication