
SBL Wiesbaden 200 CH

30 ml

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SBL Wiesbaden(Dilution)

Common Name: The Spring at Wiesbaden, in Prussia.

Causes & Symptoms for SBL Wiesbaden

  • It is useful for growth of hair, nails, Boils on the scalp.
  • During the menses there is great weakness, also constipation.
  • The sweat on the diseased parts made a brown stain indicates Wiesbaden.
  • Intolerable itching on genitals.

Mind and Head

Wiesbaden is useful for growth of hair. 

Anxiety and uneasiness prevent sleep marks the indication of Wiesbaden.

There is vertigo when lying in bed, and vertigo which causes falling indicates Wiesbaden.

Hair grows much more rapidly than usual, falls out and grows again rapidly, new growth darker, formerly soft, becomes hard and brittle.

Eyes, Eyes, Nose

Pain in the eyeballs painful, weakness of vision.

Falling of eyebrows and lashes with Itching of lids and margins.

Roaring in ears with diminished hearing is relieved with Wiesbaden.

Frequent sneezing with frequent itching of nostrils.

Mouth and Throat

Skin forms folds on inner side of mouth, lips, and cheeks, after which it peels off indicates Wiesbaden.

Wiesbaden is beneficial in swollen cervical and parotid glands.

Stomach and Abdomen

Pressure in stomach, feeling of fullness and visible swelling of epigastric region.

Dragging from abdomen with Swelling of right inguinal region indicates Wiesbaden

Wiesbaden is useful in Emission of much flatus, preceded by much rumbling and fermentation in abdomen 

Stool and Anus, Urine complaints

Urination frequent, during night, worse after coffee, scanty with perspiration

Burning in rectum and bowel with Constipation.

No stool during menses, while urinating very urgent desire for stool.

Female complaints

During the menses there is great weakness, Menses profuse, like hemorrhage for several days, then scanty, but continued fourteen days.

Scanty menses increased, cramp in thighs, calves, feet, with cramp-like hiccough, menses very profuse indicates Wiesbaden.


Burning and shooting pain in the corn is relieved with Wiesbaden.

Pimples, vesicles, boils, red, elevated points, moist tetter.

Very painful abscesses develop towards surface from deep in flesh.


The symptoms are better by nose-bleed.

Weariness, fatigue, exhaustion, uneasiness.

Side effects of SBL Wiesbaden

There are no such side effects. But every medicine should be taken following the rules as given. 

It is safe to take the medicine even if you are on other mode of medication like allopathy medicines, ayurvedic etc. 

Homeopathic medicines never interfere with the action of other medicines.

Precautions while taking SBL Wiesbaden

Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine.

If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. 

Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication.