
Unjha Eladi Vati

40 tab

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About Eladi Vati

 Unjha is a range of 100% natural and safe products with drugs made from the best quality herbs. Unjha was founded in the state  Gujarat in the pre independence era. It combines the best of Ayurveda  with years of dedicated research. Batch to batch performance and complete purity and safety are assured through the application of advanced pharmaceutical technology at every stage of manufacture.The company has since long established itself as leader in the Indian drug market. It has ISO 9001: 2000 certification awarded for design, manufacture and marketing of herbal health care products. These products have found acceptance with medical fraternities and serve the health and personal care needs of consumers around the world.  

Eladi Vati or Gutika is polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine in tablet form which is used in treatment of dry cough, throat infections, hiccups, vomiting, cold, fever, dizziness, blood vomiting, abdominal pain etc. Medicines prepared in the form of tablet or pills are known as Vati and Gutika. Eladi Vati contains lesser cardamom, Mulethi, Mishri, Munakka, pippali and other demulcents which make it very effective in upper respiratory and gastric problems. It reduces excessive pitta and soothes throat. It is a natural aphrodisiac and useful in all bleeding conditions. It should be sucked as lozenges in throat infections and hoarseness of voice.

Ingredients of Eladi Vati

  • Ela (Sukshmaila)
  • Patra (Tejapatra)
  • Tvak
  • Pippali
  • Sita
  • Madhuka
  • Kharjura
  • Mridvika(Draksha)

Benefits of Eladi Vati

  • It has expectorant action.
  • It pacifies aggravated pitta-kapha.
  • It gives relief in hiccups, dry cough, nausea, vomiting and sore throat.
  • It is helpful in chronic bronchitis and hoarseness.
  • It soothes the throat.
  • It quenches excessive thirst.
  • It is herbal and safe to take.

Uses of Eladi Vati

  • Chardi (Emesis) Nausea and vomiting
  • Hikka (Hiccup)
  • Kasa (Cough), Dry cough, Sore throat
  • Shvasa (Dyspnoea/Asthma)
  • Bhrama (Vertigo)
  • Murccha (Syncope)
  • Raktapitta (Bleeding disorder)
  • Rakta Nishthivana (Blood stained sputum)
  • Jvara (Fever)
  • Mada (Intoxication)
  • Trishna (Thirst)
  • Aruci (Tastelessness)
  • Parshva Shula (Intercostal neuralgia and pleurodynia)
  • Shosha (Cachexia)
  • Pliha Roga (Splenic disease)
  • Amavata (Rheumatism)
  • Svarabheda (Hoarseness of voice)
  • Kshata Kshaya (Emaciation due to injury)
  • Shukrakshaya (Oligospermia)
  • Loss of appetite, Hyperacidity, Gastritis and Abdominal pain
  • Burning micturition, dysuria (painful urination)
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Bleeding disorders

Side effects of Eladi Vati

There are no known side effects of this medicine.

Over-dosage may cause slight burning sensation in abdomen.

It is better to avoid this tablet during pregnancy.

The medicine should be taken under the supervision of the ayurvedic doctor.