Godanti Bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine, prepared from Gypsum. It is used in Ayurvedic treatment of headache, Chronic Fever, leucorrhea etc. This medicine should only be taken strictly under medical supervision.
Godanti bhasma plays crucial role in Ayurvedic practice and it is useful in various health complications which are given below:
The godanti found in shiny layers is expected for medicinal purpose. It should possess crystal white colour and lustrous radiance like the moon of autumn season (Sharath ritu).
According to Ayurveda , it should be purified before its acceptance for therapeutic purposes.
Godanti bhsama is cold in nature. So, it is preferred in the treatment of Pitta imbalance disorders.
Especially in jaundice, urticaia rashes, fever etc it is of proven efficacy.
Because of its coolant properties, it is used in fever with high body temperature, associated with headache.
Godanti Bhasma has a crucial role in ayurvedic practice because it acts as PARACETAMOL and lowers fever immediately. Its effects appear within 30 minutes to 2 hours in fever and headache.
The main action of Godanti Bhasma is on brain, blood vessels and lungs. It is well known in ayurvedic world for the management of fever and infections. Let us discuss about its medicinal uses and health benefits.
Fever may have many causes, but Godanti bhasma is given to every patient to lower the temperature. It is generally used with Sudarshan churna or Sudarshan Ghanvati for reducing fever. Sometimes, praval pisthi also require getting instant results especially when patient also complain about severe body pains and restlessness.
Godanti Bhasma prepared with Juice of Neem Leaves is beneficial in typhoid fever. In acute phase, when patient has high fever, it can be used for seven days with other ayurvedic medicines.
It is also beneficial in chronic phase of typhoid fever, when patient has low-grade fever. In this case, the following combination is helpful.
Patient can repeat dosage twice or thrice a day with honey. It is also beneficial in dry cough.
Hypocalcaemia is a condition with low serum calcium levels. Calcium from Godanti Bhasma is highly absorbable. Alone Godanti Bhasma can help elevating serum calcium levels. To potentiate its effects, the following combination can be more beneficial.
Godanti bhasma reduces headache and it is beneficial in migraine and trigeminal neuralgia. In headache, it can be used alone or with MISHRI (Sugar).
The above remedies should be mixed in given dosage and taken with water twice daily. In severe pain, this mixture can be taken 3 to 4 times a day.
In case of migraine and trigeminal neuralgia, Godanti Bhasma should be taken along with Cow’s Ghee and MISHRI (Sugar). Patient may also require other ayurvedic medicines for a proper treatment of these diseases. These medicines include Sutshekhar Ras and Shir Shuladi Vajra Ras.
Godanti bhasma reduces white discharge and inflammation of women reproductive organs. The following mixture is used for this disease.
In this condition, Godanti Bhasma mixture is used. This mixture includes:
It is best avoided during pregnancy and infants. It can be administered in lower doses in lactating mother and children. But for this, direct consultation with an Ayurveda doctor is necessary.