
Vardan Stone Choor Ras

500 ml


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Vardan Stone Choor Ras 500ml

Vardan Stone Choor Ras is diurestics & dieresis, It is helpful in renal disease, Inflamation in Gall Bladder, Kidney Urinary Bladder, Vardan Stone Choor Ras Relief Pain Due to Stone. It is useful in Kidney & Urinary Bladder Infection.

Benefits of Vardan Stone Choor Ras, Health Care

These good health benefits sufficient to convince you of the importance of good health. These points can then serve as a form of motivation for you.

  • Good health will also make you physically more able to extend a helping hand to others.If you are strong and healthy, you can be a shining example to others, and teach them how to also achieve vibrant health.
  • By not being ill, you will not have to be a burden on your loved ones, and on society.In fact, by being healthy, you will be better positioned to take good care of your loved ones.
  • As you fall sick less often, time spent recuperating and "out of action" will be lessened.You will probably live longer.The time saved and "gained" can be spent with your loved ones.The time saved and "gained" will also enable you to do things which you otherwise would not have the time for.
  • The increased energy and vitality means you can do things, including your work and hobbies, better i.e. increased quality. You will be able to better enjoy what you do. Again, this includes both work and play.You will be better able to enjoy physical activities, such as your favorite sports.

Vardan Stone Choor Ras

Composition of Vardan Stone Choor Ras:

  • Gorakhmundi 120 mg. Pathar Choor 160 mg.
  • Kulthidal 140 mg. Barunachaal 100 mg. Kalmi Sora 80 mg.
  • Gokhroo Big 120 mg. Gazawa 60 mg. Berpathar Bhasam 60 mg.
  • Swetperpati 40 mg. Sudhshilajeet 40 mg.